
Magician completes 20 magic tricks while submerged in the Underwater Stage

Martin Rees from Hertfordshire (UK) has achieved the Guinness World Record title for the most magic tricks performed underwater in three minutes with 20 as part of Guinness World Records Day 2020.

The attempt took place on the Underwater Stage at Pinewood Studios, the 11th Guinness World Records title to be registered at the famous film studios.

His attempt was assisted by Diving Services UK, who helped plan and prepare all the logistics of the attempt, and Twinwoods Adventure (Bedford) who provided Martin with a pool for his training and practice in the lead up.

Martin wanted a prestigious location for this record attempt and felt very privileged and honoured to have been able to use our facilities.

Martin has been working on this particular record attempt for a few years now and was elated to finally have a go and beat the previous record by an impressive 7 tricks.

He is the first person to beat this record in over 10 years.

Martin’s first motivation for this record was overcoming his biggest fear of being underwater, as he nearly drowned when he was younger.

The underwater element of the record allowed him to challenge and push himself to achieve something incredible!

His other motivation was the work he does with Spread a Smile, a charity who help provide entertainment for children who are in hospital.

Martin has dedicated this record attempt to the children and families of Spread a Smile who he says inspire him on a daily basis.

As the Coronavirus pandemic has meant Martin hasn’t been able to visit the children in hospital, he has instead been putting on weekly online shows.

The water itself was  a huge dilemma for Martin as water slows down any movement.

As a magician, quick movement plays a big part in being able to execute magic well, due to the fact the tricks rely on his hands moving more quickly than eyes can track them.

Even the props he used behave differently when in water so he spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to counteract these obstacles.

On receiving the Guinness World Records title, Martin said “I did the most magic tricks performed in a single skydive as part of GWR Day in 2016 and the journey I’ve been on since then has been incredible.”

“To be doing this underwater attempt as part of GWR Day 2020 is a huge personal achievement for me, especially in light of the lockdown this year.”

Martin’s advice to anyone thinking about attempting their own Guinness World Record title is simply to “go for it, do it and push yourself.”

“The sense of achievement when you receive that record certificate, nothing compares to it and I encourage anyone who is thinking of attempting a record to go for it.” – Martin Rees

This is Martin’s 5th Guinness World Records title as he already holds the records for:

  • Most cards identified in one minute (trick) (18)
  • Most magic tricks performed in a single skydive (11)
  • Most magic tricks performed blindfolded in one minute (24)
  • Most magic tricks performed in a wind tunnel in three minutes (8)

You can support Martin’s fundraising for Spread a Smile via his JustGiving page.