
Screen Hub UK launched by Pinewood Studios

Pinewood Group is to create a ‘Screen Industries Global Growth Hub’ called Screen Hub UK at their site in Buckinghamshire, England with a total investment value of c.£450m.  Estimates are that it is likely to result in the creation of around 3,500 new jobs, add £230m pa into the economy, and £125m pa into the tourism industry.  The scheme comes at a time when the need for investment in economic recovery has never been higher.

The Screen Hub UK will be based on a 77 acre site to the south and immediately adjacent to the existing world famous studio which will be expanded to include:

  • a 350,000 sq. ft film-inspired international visitor attraction – ‘Pinewood Studio Experience’
  • new film production facilities with ‘live’ links to the Experience of up to 350,000 sq. ft
  • an educational training and skills hub
  • a creative industries business growth hub
  • a green campus

The project will implement the proposals contained in the Government’s Creative Industries and Tourism Sector Deals and the Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership Local Industrial Strategy.

Pinewood Group Chairman Paul Golding said: “The Government and Buckinghamshire LEP have recognised Pinewood Studios as a major economic asset to be enhanced with the creation of a screen growth hub for the UK.  We are pleased to be able to respond with this scheme.  We have been looking at a visitor experience for some time and feel that now is the right moment to bring it forward.  The project will strengthen UK film and bring much needed jobs and spending.  We hope our planning application will receive widespread support.”

Pinewood Group is preparing the application and will start consultations with the local community and wider stakeholders next week.