Supporting Earth Day 22nd April 2021
Today is Earth Day and the theme this year, is ‘Restore Our Earth’. To celebrate Earth Day 2021 a dedicated team of staff volunteers from Shepperton Studios, part of the Pinewood Group, descended on the River Ash for a socially distanced litter pick. Due to Covid guidelines the staff volunteers worked alone or whilst keeping a 2m distance from their colleagues, armed with litter pickers, gloves, black sacks and hi-vis they collected 18 bags of rubbish and a deck chair!
The River Ash is a key ecological feature of Spelthorne Borough that runs parallel to Shepperton Studios and is frequently used by the local community and those working at the Studios.
The River Ash Litter Pick is just one of the ways in which Shepperton shows its commitment to helping the local environment and community. Later in the year, and in line with Government Covid guidelines, further community outreach will be planned which will include our annual River Ash Clean Up Day. If you would like more information about our community outreach efforts, please contact Kathryn Maidment.
You can find out more about Earth Day here.