In January this year, Shepperton Studios launched a £500,000 community fund to support local individuals, non-profit and voluntary organisations including charities, social enterprises, and community groups.
The Shepperton Studios Community Fund (the “Fund”) makes grants to charities and similar organisations that serve the Shepperton area and wider borough of Spelthorne. Areas of particular focus for the Fund include:
• Youth Development
• Community Development
• Supporting under privileged and disadvantaged individuals and communities
The first applications have been reviewed and awards have been granted to the following organisations: Resource Productions; 8th Ashford Scouts; Stanwell Events; and Girlguiding Surrey West.
Resource Productions – A community interest company that supports young people from deprived and marginalised communities, by providing access to training and future employment opportunities in the film and media industry. The funding will contribute towards staffing, travel, materials and administration of the training courses.
“The funding has helped towards the cost of an Outreach and Engagement Youth Filmmaker who supports young people from marginalised communities to access skills training and opportunities in the media industry. The Youth Filmmaker also helps them to increase their social skills, creativity, wellbeing, aspirations and employability.”
Terry Adlam, Head of Training, Resource Productions
8th Ashford Scouts – The grant will support the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts within the Spelthorne District to purchase tents and gazebos for their outdoor adventure camps.
“We are so grateful to have received a grant to help us replace our existing tents and gazebos, which were very old. Our camping trips provide an opportunity for children to experience physical activity in the outdoors that they would not otherwise have. For many of our children the scout camps are their first, and sometimes their only, experience of camping… so having new tents is fantastic and they will certainly be well used.”
Julie Reed, Group Scout Leader, 8th Ashford Scouts
Stanwell Events – Stanwell based Over 14’s Youth Club offers training and volunteering opportunities to young people who are most likely to disengage from education. The grant will support staff training in specific youth work practice, on-site specialist session, trips, transport and administration.
“The grant from Shepperton Studios funds an additional weekly term-time youth session to highlight training and volunteering opportunities for young people who are most likely to disengage from education. Through these weekly sessions, the young people feel supported and are taught strategies to manage their anxiety, showing them that there is much to look forward to in life if they apply these positive skills.”
Anna-Marie Goodacre – Founder, Stanwell Events
Girlguiding Surrey West – Funding for a replacement jetty at a water centre that provides low-cost water sports for Girlguiding groups across West Surrey.
“The funding provides the opportunity for local Girlguiding units to participate in water sports, which has huge benefits for young people. It provides a safe space to learn new skills, work as a team, increase resilience, confidence and overcome boundaries.”
Hannah Roberts, County Commissioner Girlguiding Surrey West

More about the Fund
The Fund forms part of the Studios’ ‘Set For More’ programme which is a long-term commitment that focuses on creating opportunities for young people, investing in the local community and supporting underprivileged groups. This is in addition to the community benefits already pledged by Shepperton Studios as part of its plans to expand and improve the world-renowned facility.
Shepperton Studios is working with the Community Foundation for Surrey, a local charity that is helping to identify worthwhile causes and oversee the implementation and monitoring of all projects that are supported by the Fund.
Paul Golding, Chairman, Pinewood Group
“We are delighted to be awarding our first grants from the Shepperton Studios Community Fund. We hope our contribution will have a meaningful impact on the great work which each of these organisations are doing and we look forward to making many more grants to other worthy causes in the future.”
Rebecca Bowden, Chief Executive, Community Foundation for Surrey
“We’re excited to be delivering the Shepperton Studios Community Fund to help bridge some of the gaps presented across young people and communities within Shepperton and surrounding areas. This funding will make a real and lasting difference to those within those communities who need it most. We are most grateful to Pinewood Group Limited for helping us to achieve this.”
How to apply for a grant
Please access the following website for further information and register on the ‘Expression of Interest’ page
Please note, grants will be awarded subject to meeting the Fund Criteria.
For general enquiries, please contact the Community Foundation for Surrey on 01483 478092.
Make an Application